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 Does Reena have custody of Bruce the Dog?

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Does Reena have custody of Bruce the Dog?   Empty
PostSubject: Does Reena have custody of Bruce the Dog?    Does Reena have custody of Bruce the Dog?   Icon_minitimeSun Apr 29, 2012 12:43 am

it appears she does: I wonder if Jonny has visitation rights!

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Does Reena have custody of Bruce the Dog?   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does Reena have custody of Bruce the Dog?    Does Reena have custody of Bruce the Dog?   Icon_minitimeSun Apr 29, 2012 3:54 am

No, my poochie-poo! looks like he has a cute little underbite Very Happy My dad was very sad when my mom kept the dog when they split, and he never got visitation rights, lol :]
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Does Reena have custody of Bruce the Dog?   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does Reena have custody of Bruce the Dog?    Does Reena have custody of Bruce the Dog?   Icon_minitimeSun Apr 29, 2012 8:19 am

It doesn't really surprise me. Jonny hasn't been seen with Bruce for a long time. And, though he is not working now, when he starts working again, it is not handy to have a dog. So, Reena having the dog might be from a practical reason. But I also read somewhere that Bruce was Reena's dog in the first place anyway. I don't know if that is true, though.

Jonny has said in his last interview (that I know of) that he is very close to Booboo (maybe the name Booboo is off, now?), so he must miss him.
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Does Reena have custody of Bruce the Dog?   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does Reena have custody of Bruce the Dog?    Does Reena have custody of Bruce the Dog?   Icon_minitimeTue May 01, 2012 8:32 am

Was bruce his dog? i tought he has a very little dog (i dont konw the name in english) but it's a very very small dog. chiuaua i looked up. Not my kind of dog i must say No

But they no longer together right??/ i'm not gonna say something bad about miss hammer but i think it's a good thing.
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Does Reena have custody of Bruce the Dog?   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does Reena have custody of Bruce the Dog?    Does Reena have custody of Bruce the Dog?   Icon_minitimeWed May 02, 2012 7:25 pm

Bruce is a very little dog, Capulet. He is a chihuahua- pug mix.
It was their dog but Reena looked after him mostly, they had also agreed that he was her dog to start with in case they would ever split up. Johnny travels a lot and it is not always easy bringing a dog abroad, e.g. Ireland has strict quarantine rules/regulations, hence Bruce also lives with Reena now.
They are no longer together, they split up end 2010.
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Does Reena have custody of Bruce the Dog?   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does Reena have custody of Bruce the Dog?    Does Reena have custody of Bruce the Dog?   Icon_minitimeWed May 02, 2012 8:00 pm

Jayjay wrote:
Bruce is a very little dog, Capulet. He is a chihuahua- pug mix.
It was their dog but Reena looked after him mostly, they had also agreed that he was her dog to start with in case they would ever split up. Johnny travels a lot and it is not always easy bringing a dog abroad, e.g. Ireland has strict quarantine rules/regulations, hence Bruce also lives with Reena now.
They are no longer together, they split up end 2010.

Hihi, nice to notice that my reasoning isn't off. Very Happy
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Does Reena have custody of Bruce the Dog?   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does Reena have custody of Bruce the Dog?    Does Reena have custody of Bruce the Dog?   Icon_minitimeFri May 04, 2012 10:44 am

I hope that Jonny has visitation rights like redstar said because is very hard when you can´t see your pet for this situation! I hope that Boo be happy!!!!! I love you I love you I love you I love you
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Does Reena have custody of Bruce the Dog?   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does Reena have custody of Bruce the Dog?    Does Reena have custody of Bruce the Dog?   Icon_minitimeFri May 04, 2012 5:57 pm

Booboo is doing fine!!!
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Does Reena have custody of Bruce the Dog?   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does Reena have custody of Bruce the Dog?    Does Reena have custody of Bruce the Dog?   Icon_minitimeFri May 04, 2012 6:10 pm

then his new pet is a a new pet goldfish nice and easy Wink
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Does Reena have custody of Bruce the Dog?   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does Reena have custody of Bruce the Dog?    Does Reena have custody of Bruce the Dog?   Icon_minitimeFri May 04, 2012 7:21 pm

Jayjay wrote:
Booboo is doing fine!!!

Good read this Jayjay thanks!! cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers
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Does Reena have custody of Bruce the Dog?   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does Reena have custody of Bruce the Dog?    Does Reena have custody of Bruce the Dog?   Icon_minitimeMon May 07, 2012 3:22 pm

Jayjay wrote:
Bruce is a very little dog, Capulet. He is a chihuahua- pug mix.
It was their dog but Reena looked after him mostly, they had also agreed that he was her dog to start with in case they would ever split up. Johnny travels a lot and it is not always easy bringing a dog abroad, e.g. Ireland has strict quarantine rules/regulations, hence Bruce also lives with Reena now.
They are no longer together, they split up end 2010.

We all know Bruce is a little dog. He's a chug. They're little. Bruce has been to Ireland many times over the years. On the Tudors set, hiking and in town. You may want to check your facts about Ireland regulations. You're there now. Should be easy enough.

We know they split up in 2010.

We know the dog lives with Reena and has for years. Since you were the dog walker, you must have walked him for Reena too? Although you can't stand her?

We know that Bruce is doing fine. There were just new photos of him online. He's alive.

Is there one fact you have that hasn't been in the press or on the family's social network accounts?

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Does Reena have custody of Bruce the Dog?   Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does Reena have custody of Bruce the Dog?    Does Reena have custody of Bruce the Dog?   Icon_minitime

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