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District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house   District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue May 08, 2012 12:48 am

gaja wrote:
sally must she can complain
but evidence has she not
I write it like this
then you might understand it
if you do not understand it
say it
upperjavascript:emoticonp('Twisted Evil')case or more space between words or letters
oops a long sentence
you understand that long sentence sally

You go, girl. Perfectly clear. lol! lol! lol!
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PostSubject: Re: District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house   District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue May 08, 2012 1:18 am

Audrey said:

" It is not important what Jayjay has told me or hasn't told me. He is nice, unlike you who clearly has only entered this forum to dish people and cause trouble. Could we just please decide for ourselves who to believe or to allow on this forum? You were not interested in maintaining a forum anymore after just one month! And because of what: because Jonathan had been convicted in France. And you just didn't like him anymore, did you? "

I support each and every one of your words. lol! lol! lol!

Last edited by Shanti on Tue May 08, 2012 1:39 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Errors in punctuation.)
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PostSubject: Re: District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house   District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue May 08, 2012 1:35 am

trufa wrote:
Fantastic Rd.. silent silent silent sorry Dar.. silent silent silent silent sorry Sally must... Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

P.S: of course.. I´m ironic about the fantastic only...

Dear Trufa, on the Internet anything is possible. Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes
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PostSubject: Re: District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house   District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue May 08, 2012 8:27 am

trufa wrote:
Great words Audrey.....!!!!!!! cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers . But I think that perhaps all of us know this person...Sally Must...and it´s strange because.. I think that one day she said that she didn´t like Jonny anymore...

Ah no, no, NO! I have just one account and it's called "Jellyfish"! I don't have anything to do with Ms. Sally. I am one of those not interested in his personal life, it's enough for me to know that he is alive. I have enough of my own problems to deal and I'm everything but back-stabbing bitch. Rolling Eyes Yes, I said some things to Trufa a couple of weeks ago but these were just my thoughts, I wanted to awoid misunderstanding and that's the main reason I didn't make it public. I really don't want to argue with all of you.
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PostSubject: Re: District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house   District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue May 08, 2012 9:19 am

Audrey wrote:
It is not important what Jayjay has told me or hasn't told me. He is nice, unlike you who clearly has only entered this forum to dish people and cause trouble. Could we just please decide for ourselves who to believe or to allow on this forum? You were not interested in maintaining a forum anymore after just one month! And because of what: because Jonathan had been convicted in France. And you just didn't like him anymore, did you?

I guess you are talking to me. I repeat, I don't have anything to do with that girl Sally and it's your choice to trust me or not. I will not repeat myself anymore that I'm not Sally.
I talked to Alara too and we understand one another perfectly. I never have said that I don't like him, I said that I'm starting to doubt in his oh-so-beautiful personality. I'm still here because I like something in him, I like his voice and his looks, I like to put my eyes on him. Shortly: I have a crush on him. In the end, we don't really know him and his personality is completely irrelevant. You said you respect others opinions and now you're angry because I said to Trufa that I think he's not all hearts and flowers. I don't get it. I respect yours, please respect mine.
Besides, if you really want to know, my doubts have nothing to do with his little incident in France and, it's probably stupid, but I admire him because of that. He had balls enough to rebel against something he considered, in that moment, like a threat to his rights. It was wrong, I know, but we all have these "moments" and we just stand here and do nothing for ourselves and accumulated frustrations destroys us. It's healthier to let it go.
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PostSubject: Re: District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house   District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue May 08, 2012 9:39 am

Jellyfish I never thought that you were sally Smile
I've never thought it. I also said things about JRM who were not nice. I have no reason to not trust you
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PostSubject: Re: District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house   District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue May 08, 2012 10:11 am

gaja wrote:
Jellyfish I never thought that you were sally Smile
I've never thought it. I also said things about JRM who were not nice. I have no reason to not trust you

Thank you. I love you

From now on my location on a map is turned on. I don't have anything to hide or to be ashamed. And I don't have a clue about what Sally said (dog keepers, psychological problems, detoxifications and craps *confused*) and I never have spoked to Jayjay in person so I don't have opinion about him. That would be all folks.
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PostSubject: Re: District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house   District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue May 08, 2012 10:16 am

Jellyfish wrote:
trufa wrote:
Great words Audrey.....!!!!!!! cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers . But I think that perhaps all of us know this person...Sally Must...and it´s strange because.. I think that one day she said that she didn´t like Jonny anymore...

Ah no, no, NO! I have just one account and it's called "Jellyfish"! I don't have anything to do with Ms. Sally. I am one of those not interested in his personal life, it's enough for me to know that he is alive. I have enough of my own problems to deal and I'm everything but back-stabbing bitch. Rolling Eyes Yes, I said some things to Trufa a couple of weeks ago but these were just my thoughts, I wanted to awoid misunderstanding and that's the main reason I didn't make it public. I really don't want to argue with all of you.

Jelly I never talk about you!!!!! I´m talking about other girls no you. Girls from other board!!!!!!! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol!
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PostSubject: Re: District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house   District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue May 08, 2012 10:39 am

Ohhh... Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed Ok, I'm not been nasty too much. Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed But I stand behind everything I said, it's not a secret. Twisted Evil
Peace! sunny
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PostSubject: Re: District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house   District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue May 08, 2012 4:50 pm

Jellyfish wrote:
Audrey wrote:
It is not important what Jayjay has told me or hasn't told me. He is nice, unlike you who clearly has only entered this forum to dish people and cause trouble. Could we just please decide for ourselves who to believe or to allow on this forum? You were not interested in maintaining a forum anymore after just one month! And because of what: because Jonathan had been convicted in France. And you just didn't like him anymore, did you?

I guess you are talking to me. I repeat, I don't have anything to do with that girl Sally and it's your choice to trust me or not. I will not repeat myself anymore that I'm not Sally.
I talked to Alara too and we understand one another perfectly. I never have said that I don't like him, I said that I'm starting to doubt in his oh-so-beautiful personality. I'm still here because I like something in him, I like his voice and his looks, I like to put my eyes on him. Shortly: I have a crush on him. In the end, we don't really know him and his personality is completely irrelevant. You said you respect others opinions and now you're angry because I said to Trufa that I think he's not all hearts and flowers. I don't get it. I respect yours, please respect mine.
Besides, if you really want to know, my doubts have nothing to do with his little incident in France and, it's probably stupid, but I admire him because of that. He had balls enough to rebel against something he considered, in that moment, like a threat to his rights. It was wrong, I know, but we all have these "moments" and we just stand here and do nothing for ourselves and accumulated frustrations destroys us. It's healthier to let it go.

Dear Jellyfish, no I was not talking to you, but to Sally. Some people on this forum have been on a previous forum. Alara, Trufa, me, and maybe some more, but I am not sure about that anymore. Trufa and I think that Sally is one of the persons that was on that forum. She is now apparently using the name Sally, probably because she knows some of us 'know' her from the other forum.

So, please don't feel bad about anything. In all honesty, I think we might all have some sort of doubt about Jayjay. I don't have a reason not to believe him, but like I said before, you can just never know who someone on the forum really is. I do believe however that he is living in Ireland, in Dunmore now. I have my reasons for that and hopefully it will become clear for more of us in the near future. But that depends on Jayjay and it is his choice what to share here, so I can't give any certainties in that department.

Hope all has been cleared up for you now, Jelly.
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PostSubject: Re: District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house   District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue May 08, 2012 6:41 pm

Audrey wrote:
Jellyfish wrote:
Audrey wrote:
It is not important what Jayjay has told me or hasn't told me. He is nice, unlike you who clearly has only entered this forum to dish people and cause trouble. Could we just please decide for ourselves who to believe or to allow on this forum? You were not interested in maintaining a forum anymore after just one month! And because of what: because Jonathan had been convicted in France. And you just didn't like him anymore, did you?

I guess you are talking to me. I repeat, I don't have anything to do with that girl Sally and it's your choice to trust me or not. I will not repeat myself anymore that I'm not Sally.
I talked to Alara too and we understand one another perfectly. I never have said that I don't like him, I said that I'm starting to doubt in his oh-so-beautiful personality. I'm still here because I like something in him, I like his voice and his looks, I like to put my eyes on him. Shortly: I have a crush on him. In the end, we don't really know him and his personality is completely irrelevant. You said you respect others opinions and now you're angry because I said to Trufa that I think he's not all hearts and flowers. I don't get it. I respect yours, please respect mine.
Besides, if you really want to know, my doubts have nothing to do with his little incident in France and, it's probably stupid, but I admire him because of that. He had balls enough to rebel against something he considered, in that moment, like a threat to his rights. It was wrong, I know, but we all have these "moments" and we just stand here and do nothing for ourselves and accumulated frustrations destroys us. It's healthier to let it go.

Dear Jellyfish, no I was not talking to you, but to Sally. Some people on this forum have been on a previous forum. Alara, Trufa, me, and maybe some more, but I am not sure about that anymore. Trufa and I think that Sally is one of the persons that was on that forum. She is now apparently using the name Sally, probably because she knows some of us 'know' her from the other forum.

So, please don't feel bad about anything. In all honesty, I think we might all have some sort of doubt about Jayjay. I don't have a reason not to believe him, but like I said before, you can just never know who someone on the forum really is. I do believe however that he is living in Ireland, in Dunmore now. I have my reasons for that and hopefully it will become clear for more of us in the near future. But that depends on Jayjay and it is his choice what to share here, so I can't give any certainties in that department.

Hope all has been cleared up for you now, Jelly.

... Sowwy!? Smile *cutest smile and puppy dog eyes*
I'm so sorry, I've been harsh with you. Embarassed I said enough and it's better to remain quiet for a while. Or for a life. Wink But everything is true and I think I haven't offended anyone.

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District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house   District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue May 08, 2012 7:17 pm

Jellyfish wrote:
I said enough and it's better to remain quiet for a while. Or for a life. Wink

If I had the sheer stupidity to express a thought like this I'd take a time out too:

Quote :

if you really want to know, my doubts have nothing to do with his little incident in France and, it's probably stupid, but I admire him because of that. He had balls enough to rebel against something he considered, in that moment, like a threat to his rights.

Admiring someone for attacking a hapless bartender doing his job and threatening to kill policemen and their families? Admiring someone for violence? Right. Do you also admire the man who beats up his wife because she tries to remove the bottle of whiskey from his hands when he's had so much he can barely stand?

That's the most pathetic thing I've ever heard uttered from a JRM fan, and that's saying a lot.
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PostSubject: Re: District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house   District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue May 08, 2012 7:23 pm

sally must get a life and STFU
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PostSubject: Re: District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house   District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue May 08, 2012 10:28 pm

sally must wrote:
Jellyfish wrote:
I said enough and it's better to remain quiet for a while. Or for a life. Wink

If I had the sheer stupidity to express a thought like this I'd take a time out too:

Quote :

if you really want to know, my doubts have nothing to do with his little incident in France and, it's probably stupid, but I admire him because of that. He had balls enough to rebel against something he considered, in that moment, like a threat to his rights.

Admiring someone for attacking a hapless bartender doing his job and threatening to kill policemen and their families? Admiring someone for violence? Right. Do you also admire the man who beats up his wife because she tries to remove the bottle of whiskey from his hands when he's had so much he can barely stand?

That's the most pathetic thing I've ever heard uttered from a JRM fan, and that's saying a lot.
You can't make me angry. To understand me you need to walk a mile in my shoes and in one hand I'm glad you consider me stupid. I hope you always will.
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District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house   District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed May 09, 2012 8:51 pm

ok. first of all. thanks for the information..

but seriously , i'm all confused ! i can't follow the conversation, but it was NOT in my mind, to start a quarrel about who is who. and whatever - i'm still a bit confused, didn't get it.

but so ... well... i'm feeling a bit sorry.
í just wanted to get reminded where his house is. not more. not less...

why can't the world be peacefull... !?
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PostSubject: Re: District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house   District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed May 09, 2012 9:04 pm

fesis wrote:
ok. first of all. thanks for the information..

but seriously , i'm all confused ! i can't follow the conversation, but it was NOT in my mind, to start a quarrel about who is who. and whatever - i'm still a bit confused, didn't get it.

but so ... well... i'm feeling a bit sorry.
í just wanted to get reminded where his house is. not more. not less...

why can't the world be peacefull... !?

I am afraid I am confused now too. Did you..? Oh, wait, you started this thread. Well, sweety, don't feel bad. I am afraid that this sally must only entered to cause trouble and blacken Jayjay. Yes, apparently Jayjay was wrong, mistaken about where Jonny lives, so what?

The quarrel has to do with a previous forum, as explained before or in another thread, so don't feel bad. Problems are resolved now. Or at least almost, as sally must has asked for her account to be deleted, which unfortunately only Alara seems to be able to do.
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PostSubject: Re: District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house   District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu May 10, 2012 1:54 am

I am really confused by this entire conversation. It's a good thing people can agree to disagree. I am assuming that we are all here because we like and support Jonathan. He is a human being with all of his quirks, frailties , problems etc. I do know that arguing (not merely disagreeing) has taken down several of his best fansites over the past few years. I really like this one and hope it does well.
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PostSubject: Re: District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house   District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu May 10, 2012 2:30 am

cherryblossom002 wrote:
I am really confused by this entire conversation. It's a good thing people can agree to disagree. I am assuming that we are all here because we like and support Jonathan. He is a human being with all of his quirks, frailties , problems etc. I do know that arguing (not merely disagreeing) has taken down several of his best fansites over the past few years. I really like this one and hope it does well.

Amen Sister!
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PostSubject: Re: District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house   District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu May 10, 2012 10:55 am

Cherryblossom and Redstar, it´s not the intention of anyone to quarrel on this forum. The whole situation basically started around a new member sally must, who seemed to have only entered to blacken Jayjay. Whether with good intentions or not, I don´t know, but this is over now. Unfortunately, some people got confused and thought remarks were addressed to them. All is in good order now.

I can´t recall that the active members on this forum have ever quarreled with each other, but sometimes things change when a new member arrives who is not acting the way the other members are behaving, and things change. As moderator I took action by sending a PM to sally must asking her why she behaved in that way and that she should stop it. Unfortunately, I couldn´t resist reacting on the forum, which I do kinda regret now. I shouldn´t have reacted to her on the forum, lower myself to her standards.

And now, let´s return to the topic of this thread. If there is any more to say on this topic.
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PostSubject: Re: District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house   District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu May 10, 2012 11:22 am

I'm sick of all of this shit. It's quite simple: raise you hand the ones who never got angry in no particular reason, the ones who never felt sadness, hopelessness, apathy, the ones who never swear, the ones who never thought "I'm so gonna kill him/her!" or "Bitch!", the ones who never said "I hate you!" to your younger brother or sister and you don't really mean that, the one who never saw a friend acting like a total ass and you still like because you know him, raise your hand if you never killed a (yuck!) spider (it's violence too), raise your hands the ones who never lied and tried to make themself look smarter than they are, rise your hand if you never got up on the wrong foot, if you never done something you're ashamed of etc. The only difference is: we can keep it private. If you never done anything from this list, congrats you're not human being.
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PostSubject: Re: District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house   District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu May 10, 2012 12:49 pm

I know I have said ugly things but sally made ​​me so angry about what she said about Jayjay . normally I find this a pleasant forum.we do not always agree but that is normal. I just hope we can go back to normal
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PostSubject: Re: District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house   District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu May 10, 2012 5:01 pm

Hi All,

I just recently joined so I hope you don't mind my interjecting into this conversation. It's actually one of the reasons that prompted me to join...teehee. Smile I think someone (not sure who it was) was erroneously posting that Jonathan would never tell anyone he lived in Pasadena.


I was recently looking for some Jonathan/Natalie interviews regarding the Tudors and happened to come across one from the UK- with just Jonathan. I believe it was done sometime in late 2009. He states here, pretty explicitly that he has a home in the Glendale/Pasadena area. Perhaps he lived in Nichol's Canyon at one time but it sounds like he may have moved or...imagine this: has more than one property. Wink

Here'e the link to said upload: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LwHSu32jqY&feature=results_main&playnext=1&list=PL4F872A8217ABA89E

It's poor quality but there is no mistaking that's Mr. Meyers clearly stating he lives in Pasadena. Smile

Now, I've lived in the LA area for the better part of my life and there is literally a 20 minute distance between Glendale/Pasadena and the Hollywood Hills. The same goes for North Hollywood, Burbank, West Hollywood and Beverly Hills where all the famous and wealthy live. They're all very close and easily accessible via the 5, 101 or 110 highways. If you're not familiar with the area or our confusing Highways, I can see how a visitor might mistake one area for another, especially if someone owns more than one home. So whoever was comparing it to confusing London with Amsterdam...well, that is quite a stretch. The Pasadena/Glendale area is an affluent and beautiful area of Los Angeles and plenty of film directors and lesser known "film stars" live there.

I hope I've helped to end the debate. Smile
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PostSubject: Re: District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house   District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu May 10, 2012 5:04 pm

I should have put this in my first post but Jonathan talks about where he lives near the end of the interview. Wink Enjoy.
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PostSubject: Re: District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house   District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu May 10, 2012 9:08 pm

He says he lives in the hills, but I couldn't quite make out if he meant his house is in Glendale/ Pasadena or that the fires where there. I rather thought the later, but I am no native speaker English, so maybe I misunderstood.
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PostSubject: Re: District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house   District of Los Angeles ... Johnnys house - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon May 14, 2012 12:27 pm

I need to respond.
Just a few days not visted this website and this topic makes me really confused. I've always liked this forum and of course you don't have to agree to everything that everyone sad. I do to. That's normal but this discussion doesn't make any sence. What does it matter if the statements by jayjay truth or not and then what? He or she wants to make us jealous? I think has achieved his goal, however there is a high trotting discussion come from. It does not fit in the atmosphere of this forum. There are a lot of people who sad a lot about Jonathan truth or not let it go..
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