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 Non Toxic Revulotion

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Join date : 2012-05-02
Age : 53
Location : Berlin Germany

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PostSubject: Non Toxic Revulotion   Non Toxic Revulotion Icon_minitimeSat Jul 07, 2012 9:35 am

Jonny is involved at this action.


The translation:

We all are surrounded in our daily lives of many toxins and usually we are not even aware of this. All the better, we find it, that the organization Keep A Breast Campaign Non Toxic Revolution started shortly NTR! They have, in cooperation with many prominent artists and supporters of the dangers of toxins in everyday life now and want to minimize the risk of breast cancer and other environmental illnesses.

As part of the campaign a number of international VIPs can make plaster casts of her upper body. These unique pieces will be auctioned to the highest bidder, with proceeds going to Keep A Breast of course. Among the prominent supporters include names like Iggy Pop, Pink, Georgia May Jagger , Susan Sarandon, No Doubt, Dita Von Teese, Katy Perry, Foo Fighters, Colin Farrell and Jonathan Rhys Meyers.

For the NTR campaign the famous Studio Number One and the street artist Shepard Fairey are responsible for the already supported Obama during the election campaign with the famous "Hope" posters. Since the beginning of this week's great posters in all of Berlin can be seen. In addition, the NTR-Video streams running in all Berlin subway. The strychnine Gallery you will also find until 4 August the appropriate exhibition and a pop-up store. All other information can be found here ...
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PostSubject: Re: Non Toxic Revulotion   Non Toxic Revulotion Icon_minitimeSun Jul 08, 2012 4:02 am

Jonny just shows his commitment to worthy causes. Together with other well known celebrities, they can help a lot. Thanks to Jonny for his beautiful gesture and a his good heart. sunny
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