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 Kidney and heart defect

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Kidney and heart defect Empty
PostSubject: Kidney and heart defect   Kidney and heart defect Icon_minitimeSun Mar 23, 2014 9:42 pm

I found something on Jonny's heart problem on the IMDB forum attached to Jonny's profile. Well, it is what it could have been. As nothing has been specified about it, except Jonny saying he had a weak heart and kidneys and was in the hospital for seven months, we can't know anything for siure, but the answer is interesting nonetheless.

Posted Dec 4, 2013 by Februarydreams
Kidney and heart defect?

I read he was born with kidney and heart defect, but he seems to have no scars on his chest. Is he healthy?

Kozykatz-645-504093 replied Dec 4, 2013
Jonny was premature at 2 lbs. 2 oz. I worked with preemies as a nurse for over 30 years. His defects were not not ever publicized but I can tell you the most common ones. The kidney problem with that size baby are usually hydronephrsis, an enlargement of the kidney. It causes that kidney affected not to work as well but usually resolves with time or is treated with diuretics. The most common heart defect a preemie has is a patent (open) ductus . That causes a heart murmur (extra beats) and pumping isn't as efficient. It may close by itself or may require 3 doses of Indocin for it to close. Sometimes nothing works and may require surgery. One thing I do know is in 1977 we weren't saving a lot of 2 lb. babies.. Jonathan is a true miracle!

Februarydreams replied Dec 4, 2013
He is a true miracle! He spent 7 months in the hospital! That's almost a year. The rest of his siblings were preemies too.

Kozykatz-645-504093 replied Dec 4, 2013
I wrote this little story about how a 2lb. 2 oz. Jonny viewed his world from inside the incubator. Here is part 1.

The view from inside the Glass Box

The tiny baby boy, his eyes squeezed tightly shut was trying to decide if he wanted to open them and take a peek. Not yet he decided. If I do someone might notice I'm awake and try to touch me or do something to hurt me.

It's dark in here because my glass box is covered with a blanket to keep out bright light. After all, I am still supposed to be inside my Mummy's tummy.I can still hear the noise surrounding me,machines alarming, phones ringing and people talking loudly. Sometimes it gets so loud that my head hurts and I try hard not to listen.

I hear footsteps approaching my bed. What will happen to me? Will I be hurt? The cover is pulled back and I feel a soft gentle touch that feels good and a sweet voice saying "It's going to be alright sweetheart. Mummy's here and I love you my sweet boy." My tiny blue eyes flutter open and I try to focus on my Mummy's face. I see her and she is so beautiful. She kisses me and I am soon fast asleep.

My pleasant dreams are soon broken. Someone opens my bed and without speaking puts something in my nose and down my throat that chokes me. How could I know it is a tube to feed me? My arm is then held and a needle stuck in me. It hurts so bad.Why is this being done to me? What have I done?

My cries of pain go unheard because there is a tube in my throat to help me breathe. My lungs are too small to do it by myself. I am still too tiny and sick to be held and cuddled which is all I really want. Will it ever happen?

Kozykatz-645-504093 replied Dec 4, 2013
The story continues
The view from inside the glass box, part 2

I am having the most beautiful dream. My Mummy is holding me close, my skin against hers and she is singing softly. Daddy is looking at us and smiling. I hope to sleep awhile longer because sleep is the only peace I know.

Yesterday they took out my breathing tube and put a small mask over my nose called CPAP. That feels a lot better. The CPAP machine reminds me to breathe when I forget. My relief is shortlived.

There is a rush of activity surrounding my bed and I am very confused. The mask is taken off my nose and the breathing tube is being pushed down my throat again. Someone is pushing on my chest. I can't feel anything, I'm just watching. I hear someone say, "We have to work fast, his heart has stopped."I'm not hurting now and I like that. I really wish that they would leave me alone. I hear Mummy crying nearby and saying, "Please God let my baby live." Someone then pushes her out of the way. At that moment I open my eyes and look around. What just happened to me? The doctor says to Mummy, "We almost lost him this time, but he is stable now." I am only 28 days old and have had many terrible things done to me. I am really just tired of it all...to be continued

There is no continuation after the second part.
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Kidney and heart defect Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kidney and heart defect   Kidney and heart defect Icon_minitimeMon Mar 24, 2014 2:58 am

[quote="Audrey"]I found something on Jonny's heart problem on the IMDB forum attached to Jonny's profile. Well, it is what it could have been. As nothing has been specified about it, except Jonny saying he had a weak heart and kidneys and was in the hospital for seven months, we can't know anything for siure, but the answer is interesting nonetheless.

There was an old interview, his mom said he was born on July 27,1977
and released from hospital on Feb 14, 1978
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Location : Zoetermeer, the Netherlands

Kidney and heart defect Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kidney and heart defect   Kidney and heart defect Icon_minitimeMon Mar 24, 2014 9:52 pm

Yes, I know that. What I meant was that we can't really know what the problem of his heart and kidney(s) were, so the answer given by the woman on the forum is just a guess. She does state the most common problem with heart and kidney in premature babies though.
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PostSubject: Re: Kidney and heart defect   Kidney and heart defect Icon_minitime

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