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 Christopher Croft

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PostSubject: Christopher Croft   Christopher Croft Icon_minitimeFri Dec 16, 2011 3:23 pm

does anyone know if he still in Contact with Christopher Croft
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Christopher Croft Empty
PostSubject: Re: Christopher Croft   Christopher Croft Icon_minitimeFri Dec 16, 2011 3:29 pm

Thanks for moving the post, I appreciate it. Very Happy General discussion is for anything and everything regarding Jonathan that doesn't fit into other categories, so whatever's on your mind, it's perfectly fine to put it here. Wink

I don't know if they're still in touch. I don't think so, but I haven't really read into the stuff that's happened with the alleged attacks he performed on someone. I don't know how much of that's true. We could look it up. It's hard to find a reliable source. Tabloids have a wild imagination, to put it lightly. Laughing
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Christopher Croft Empty
PostSubject: Re: Christopher Croft   Christopher Croft Icon_minitimeTue Dec 20, 2011 9:26 pm

Alara wrote:
Thanks for moving the post, I appreciate it. Very Happy General discussion is for anything and everything regarding Jonathan that doesn't fit into other categories, so whatever's on your mind, it's perfectly fine to put it here. Wink

I don't know if they're still in touch. I don't think so, but I haven't really read into the stuff that's happened with the alleged attacks he performed on someone. I don't know how much of that's true. We could look it up. It's hard to find a reliable source. Tabloids have a wild imagination, to put it lightly. Laughing

Sometimes I read that no they don´t have contect since the "problem" that Croft had with the law. And it´s normal if the accusation were real and true.It´s a very repulsive in my opinion and these type of things change your vision of a persons that you think that you know.
What do you think about Croft´s intentions when he knew Jonny?.....In one hand I think that are good people in this world with good intentions........but in other hand...well I don´t know
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Christopher Croft Empty
PostSubject: Re: Christopher Croft   Christopher Croft Icon_minitimeTue Dec 20, 2011 9:37 pm

I am totally oblivious to whether they still have contact or not. Around the time that Croft was in prison for the charges, Jonny has apparently said they hadn't had any contact for about three years. I think it was in an interview that is on JRM fansite. I will try and find it and post that remark.

With regard to Croft and the charges against him. He was sentenced to one year in prison at first, but the charges were dropped in appeal because the judge didn't think the story of the boy (by then 18 years old, but 15 at the time of the alleged abuse) was reliable or believable. I read about that in a few article on the subject.

I think there was a lot of attention for the story, and mainly because of the connection with Jonny. That is strange on one hand, but on the other hand, the attention was from mainly Irish papers, I think, and Croft being an Irish citizen, that could also explain the attention for it. Especially, together with the Jonny connection.
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PostSubject: Re: Christopher Croft   Christopher Croft Icon_minitime

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