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 The Celebrity Death Pool 2012

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PostSubject: The Celebrity Death Pool 2012    The Celebrity Death Pool 2012  Icon_minitimeMon Jan 02, 2012 5:17 pm

The Celebrity Death Pool 2012 Jonathan Rhys Meyers (I heard his 2012 resolution is to be more thorough...)I found this on the internet
how sick can you be
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PostSubject: Re: The Celebrity Death Pool 2012    The Celebrity Death Pool 2012  Icon_minitimeMon Jan 02, 2012 5:33 pm

Some people have a dark sense of humour. I looked that page up online. At the risk of sounding too bold, I don't think it's meant to be malicious. scratch

That type of humour often helps when you're at an all time low; if you can see the funny side of it, it means you've still got some fire in you.

Of curse it's not nice when it's intended to hurt someone, then it's simply ignorant and mean; but very heavy topics are often "softened" by lighting them up with humour. Think "South Park". Very Happy

It depends on the motives of whoever wrote those words. It's hard to say whether they're jocular or malicious, but I think it's just meant to be funny.

Don't throw rocks at e now, please. Embarassed The Celebrity Death Pool 2012  34no3tx
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PostSubject: Re: The Celebrity Death Pool 2012    The Celebrity Death Pool 2012  Icon_minitimeMon Jan 02, 2012 5:58 pm

sorry but I see no humor in it At the end of the year, see how many of your list are dead I quite see the humor in something it was something of what is the probability that he goes drinking again I see the humor in that but what if someone dies on that list will they stand at the end of year yes yes Three of my list are death what am I good No
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PostSubject: Re: The Celebrity Death Pool 2012    The Celebrity Death Pool 2012  Icon_minitimeMon Jan 02, 2012 6:14 pm

I know that kind of humour is not everyone's cup of tea. And there is a thin line between funny and cruel when one uses it.

I don't think this particular joke is mega funny, far from it. It's a bit meh. But I don't think Jonny actually tried to kill himself, the tabloids made it all seem a lot worse than it probably was. It's what they always do, inject issues with steroids and call it sensational news. Rolling Eyes

It's not a very good attempt at dark humour but I wasn't particularly shocked by it. I know it can seem very cruel to people and hurt them. I didn't mean to offend anyone. I love you

It's nothing but a bad joke. That's what I think.
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PostSubject: Re: The Celebrity Death Pool 2012    The Celebrity Death Pool 2012  Icon_minitimeMon Jan 02, 2012 6:38 pm

You do not offend me Very Happy but that site does not feel right for me Maybe I'm too sensitive in this area
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PostSubject: Re: The Celebrity Death Pool 2012    The Celebrity Death Pool 2012  Icon_minitimeMon Jan 02, 2012 6:55 pm

There is a thin line between having a sense of humor and being a dumbass.
I was covered with goosebumps (negative type of goosebumps) as I read that shit of a site. scratch That thing just don't feel right for me regardless which celebrity is involved. Evil or Very Mad
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PostSubject: Re: The Celebrity Death Pool 2012    The Celebrity Death Pool 2012  Icon_minitimeMon Jan 02, 2012 7:09 pm

I think it's horrible to hope or wish that someone dies just to say I have the most right I think you never wish someone death
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PostSubject: Re: The Celebrity Death Pool 2012    The Celebrity Death Pool 2012  Icon_minitimeMon Jan 02, 2012 7:50 pm

Wishing death on anyone or hating someone are horrible. It's a sign of a very unhappy person. Anyone with strong negative feelings about others, and I mean really strong like hate and wishing death ( not simple dislike, you can't like every wanker out there The Celebrity Death Pool 2012  2ebsq9z) is deeply disturbed and very torn and unhappy.

Like Jellyfish said: "There is a thin line between having a sense of humor and being a dumbass."

That's not a mega funny idea, to predict who will die in 2012. I just didn't find it very shocking, personally. It didn't seem like they were a bunch of deeply disturbed people wishing death on others; they seemed more like they just thought the idea was funny.

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PostSubject: Re: The Celebrity Death Pool 2012    The Celebrity Death Pool 2012  Icon_minitimeTue Jan 03, 2012 5:53 am

I first saw JRM on a celebrity death pool list back in 2008, shortly after Heath Ledger passed away...and I was quite incensed...although I got where they were coming from.

However to reassure myself that this wasn't just a bunch of depraved losers wishing death on troubled famous people I did take the time to read the rules of the 'celebrity death pool' game. Basically they're just predicting who might die in a given year with more points being awarded to younger people (eg. subtance abusers vs celebs with cancer vs really old stars)...still kinda sick and pointless but I see the humour in it.

I'm sure JRM will be fine...he'll keep on ticking and have the last laugh!!
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PostSubject: Re: The Celebrity Death Pool 2012    The Celebrity Death Pool 2012  Icon_minitimeFri Jan 13, 2012 7:06 am

In the matter of things that happen on the Internet, we must choose what we need or want and let it go what bothers us or damaged in any way. This is for our mental health. I know, easy to say this, but we need to put into practice. I love you
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PostSubject: Re: The Celebrity Death Pool 2012    The Celebrity Death Pool 2012  Icon_minitime

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