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 Meeting Jonny

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PostSubject: Meeting Jonny   Meeting Jonny Icon_minitimeWed Jun 27, 2012 6:59 pm

No, I did not meet Jonny, but one girl blogged about meeting him. He literally ran her over. Here's the link:

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PostSubject: Re: Meeting Jonny   Meeting Jonny Icon_minitimeFri Jun 29, 2012 5:20 pm

Audrey wrote:
No, I did not meet Jonny, but one girl blogged about meeting him. He literally ran her over. Here's the link:


Funny...but it'll happen?? oh I wonder what I shall do then..... probably the same.... shake all over.. not from falling but that you stood so close to jonathan ... lol!
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PostSubject: Re: Meeting Jonny   Meeting Jonny Icon_minitimeFri Jun 29, 2012 5:32 pm

capulet wrote:
Audrey wrote:
No, I did not meet Jonny, but one girl blogged about meeting him. He literally ran her over. Here's the link:


Funny...but it'll happen?? oh I wonder what I shall do then..... probably the same.... shake all over.. not from falling but that you stood so close to jonathan ... lol!

Probably shaking from meeting Jonny as well, or at least have such a pounding heartbeat that he must hear it without coming to close. lol! Although I don't think Jonny will knock me down to easily though, I am a centimeter or three taller than he is. Razz

Jonny probably thought she was shaking from beong bumped over and falling.
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Join date : 2012-06-27

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PostSubject: Re: Meeting Jonny   Meeting Jonny Icon_minitimeSat Jun 30, 2012 7:27 am

Audrey wrote:
No, I did not meet Jonny, but one girl blogged about meeting him. He literally ran her over. Here's the link:


omg she's so lucky.... SO SO lucky! now she has a story with Jonny omg and I'm still waiting for him again in Argentina.
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PostSubject: Re: Meeting Jonny   Meeting Jonny Icon_minitime

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