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 What would you ask Jonathan?

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PostSubject: What would you ask Jonathan?   What would you ask Jonathan? Icon_minitimeFri Dec 02, 2011 7:26 pm

I copied these from the old forum,will add more with time. Copy yours too, if you'd like. Very Happy

I thought maybe we could put questions in a thread. About everything any anything we would like to know about Jonny. Who knows, maybe we'll get answers to some of them in some way.

Hopefully a lazy journalist will come across them and think "Whoa, all my work was done for me, thanks forum people!" and use them in an interview. Laughing Very Happy Or someone who joins the forum will know some of the answers. So, here we go:

What film did you most enjoy making and why?

What do you like most and least about living in L.A.?

What director was your favorite to work with and why?

Do you want kids? *womb available* Pardon my sense of humour. Or not. Very Happy

Do you still have the same role models as you did when you were younger and what about them do you respect most?

Has the auditioning become easier with time? How do you handle it nowadays when you don't get chosen for a part?

In what ways do you feel you've evolved as an actor?

Wht do you feel that you have to accomplish, professionally, and what steps do you need to take to achieve that?

What are your top goals in your lifetime?

In what ways do you think can relationships help/hinder those goals?

What's your most dreaded household chore? Very Happy Want some help with that?

Do you lie about your weight/height? If so, why?

What's your main activity when you have free time at home?

Do you sleep in the buff?

OK;, more q's for our boy. Wish he would answer some of them oneday, sheesh. Wink

How do you feel about cosmetic breast implants?

On the whole, how intelligent do you consider yourself?

Are you happy?

How important is being a parent (now or in the future) to your life satisfaction?

Would you donate sperm to a close friend who couldn't conceive on their own?

Have you ever had a psychic experience (telling the future, reading someone's thoughts, etc)? I have a feeling Jonny is borderline psychic, due to his high sensitivity.

How emotionally strong do you consider yourself? What influences your strength's fluctuations most?

If you could go back in time and live any period of your life over again, which would you choose and why?

If you won enough money to support yourself and your family for the rest of your lives, what would you do? How would you challenge yourself?

If you were given the power to change one thing in your life with the snap of your fingers, what would it be?

If you knew your best friend's boyfriend/girlfriend were cheating on him/her, would you spill the beans?

If something difficult happened in your life right now, who's the first person you'd want to talk to? Can it be me? lol!

I would love to know more about his taste in music, films, fashion, literature...etc. Smile He did mention things in previous interviews but his taste is so eclectic and, though he makes it easy for people to get an impression about him due to his openness, I always get the feeling there are 10 000 more things left unsaid because his mind seems to be racing at all times and he has that mercurial archetype going on, like the ancient mythological messengers of the gods.

I love brainy men!

JonJon, tell us your faaaavorite (if you have one) wnd why is it so:

    film (yours and general)
    fragrance and do you like niche ones (which ones)
    animal (thinking it's either horse or dog)
    poem (yours and in general)

Do you think you're naive or that you were more so before? Privately or profesionally more?

Do you think you're a good judge of character?

Are you clumsy?

Do you get attached to things?

What do you remember most fondly about your childhood?

Do you play games on the Xbox, Playstation, Wii etc.?

Are you competitive? In what?

What kind of comedy would you do?

Are you embarassed easily?

Did you have imaginary friends when growing up?

What beliefs are you passionate about?

You say you're not romantic, but, what is romantic to you?

Do you like expressing your feelings in public?

What are you like when you're in love?

Do you prefer organised religion over solitary practice?

What are your views regarding abortion?

Do you believe life exists on other planets?

How do you celebrate your birthdays?

What do you want most in life, privately and profesionally?

Do you have a favourite season, if so, which one?

Name some pet peeves of yours, please.

Do you like comics/graphic novels?

What do you do when you feel sad, depressed, angry, upset?

How would you describe yourself?

Do you save for a rainy day?

Do you like to gossip?

Do you mind going two's on a fag?

Do you like surprises?

What do you like best about being a man?

Would you say you engage in retail therapy?

Do you think true love can conquer all?

How much importance do you place on your career? Would you say work has a stabilising influence on you?

Looking back, what are the best and worst job experiences you've had so far?

What do you feel is your worst character flaw?

What do you feel is your best personality trait?

What do you do to de-stress?

Would you date a girl as tall as you or taller?

What's your favourite holiday? Why is it special to you?

What are your thoughts about couples renewing their vows?

Has anyone ever thrown an extra special birthday party for you? What made it so memorable?

How much do you spend on wedding gifts? Birthday presents? Christmas gifts?

How do you usually spend the "big" holidays? Do you do so mainly out of tradition or because you really enjoy celebrating it that way?

Do you decorate elaborately for holidays?

Do you like to throw holiday parties or dinners? What do you usually do?

How did you celebrate birthdays as a child? How do you like to celebrate yours now?

Do you get emotional (irritated,sad, joyous,etc.) before or after any holidays? Which ones and why?

Do you notice easily when a woman has a crush on you?

When in character, do you think about the rest of him? How he would react to situations from your life? How long does the character stay with you? What does it depend on?

Does the same happen with books, for example with the ones that have a profound influence on your psyche?

Do you have a favourite movie? Actor? Actress? Comedy? Drama?

What meal would you eat most often if you could? Do you have a favourite "fancy" meal?

What is your favuorite snack food? Dessert?

What is your favourite ethnic cuisine?
What's your shoe size?

Do you find yourself wanting kids?

Do you believe in marriage?

Are you grumpy in the morning? Laughing

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What would you ask Jonathan? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would you ask Jonathan?   What would you ask Jonathan? Icon_minitimeSat Dec 03, 2011 6:59 pm

I would ask him shall we go to eat somewhere and the rest of the questions I ask hen than
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What would you ask Jonathan? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would you ask Jonathan?   What would you ask Jonathan? Icon_minitimeSun Dec 04, 2011 6:02 am

My question for Jonny.

Do you say Mantras with the Mala, that regularly you are carrying on your neck? If so, what is your favorite?
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PostSubject: Re: What would you ask Jonathan?   What would you ask Jonathan? Icon_minitimeSun Dec 04, 2011 12:31 pm

Gaja what would you ask him? Come on, girl, share! Very Happy Wink

Shanti, that's a beautiful question. I'm very curious about his spirituality, what it consists of; philosophically and practically. Smile
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PostSubject: Re: What would you ask Jonathan?   What would you ask Jonathan? Icon_minitimeSun Dec 04, 2011 12:50 pm

no I ask him anything I would first like friendship and then talk about the things of life Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: What would you ask Jonathan?   What would you ask Jonathan? Icon_minitimeSun Dec 04, 2011 8:33 pm

I am the only person who noticed on twitter that if one person has seen jrm and tell it 20 more persons has seen hem on the same day and time ?
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PostSubject: Re: What would you ask Jonathan?   What would you ask Jonathan? Icon_minitimeMon Dec 05, 2011 11:53 am

gaja wrote:
I am the only person who noticed on twitter that if one person has seen jrm and tell it 20 more persons has seen hem on the same day and time ?

I haven't seen that. Could you please copy some of those? Open a new thread, that'd be best. Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: What would you ask Jonathan?   What would you ask Jonathan? Icon_minitimeTue Dec 06, 2011 11:19 am

Alara wrote:
gaja wrote:
I am the only person who noticed on twitter that if one person has seen jrm and tell it 20 more persons has seen hem on the same day and time ?

I haven't seen that. Could you please copy some of those? Open a new thread, that'd be best. Very Happy

Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy is like a butterfly effect???
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What would you ask Jonathan? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would you ask Jonathan?   What would you ask Jonathan? Icon_minitimeWed Dec 07, 2011 12:00 am

Here are some questions I have for JRM at the moment. I hope that he'll get asked some questions along these lines as he goes to promote Belle du Seigneur.

-Hi Jonathan! How are you doing these days? How does it feel to be back on the red carpet (given all that's happened this past year)?

-(Ok these are not red carpet questions..but they're burning ones!) So what really happened just before you were taken to hospital last June? What precipitated the relapse? Why did it get to that point? Did you at that point not care whether you lived or died? Why did you try to refuse the help? Were you embarrassed, or have you gotten away with that kind of thing before without the medics coming over??

-How did the whole ordeal and the press perception of it make you feel? What did you do to cope with it? What helped you move forward? Did you find a treatment team whom you feel you have an effective rapport with? How do you feel about the future in regards to dealing with your alcohol addiction? (Is quitting the cigarettes next on your health goals list?)

-How did the news of your hospitalization becoming a trending topic on Twitter and the resulting influx of messages of support make you feel? Did you feel validated by the deluge of supportive messages from your fans and others who have taken notice of you and your work?

-Also, speaking of Twitter, do you have your own official Twitter account? Is that something you're even interested in? Are you aware that there are several individuals trying to impersonate you on Twitter?

-Since about 2005 you have appeared in a string of projects that steadily raised your profile in Hollywood. Is it fair to say that somewhere along the way you seemed to get lost in your ambition? Where do you stand now in regards to your career? Are you comfortable with the idea of just being a hard-working working actor without as much emphasis on the pursuit of celebrity/publicity much like you were in your early years?

-Is your relationship with Reena Hammer finished or is there still a possibility that the two of you will get back together? You guys have gone on and off and back on before!

-What is your next project? What kind of projects are you eyeing for the future?

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PostSubject: Re: What would you ask Jonathan?   What would you ask Jonathan? Icon_minitimeWed Dec 07, 2011 8:01 am

these are good questions it would explain a lot Smile
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PostSubject: Re: What would you ask Jonathan?   What would you ask Jonathan? Icon_minitimeWed Dec 07, 2011 8:07 am

I agree, those are some pretty good questions Glamrock, Wink I especially like the emphasis on his feelings, what it was like for him. Smile
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PostSubject: Re: What would you ask Jonathan?   What would you ask Jonathan? Icon_minitimeWed Dec 07, 2011 6:17 pm

Great questions, Glamrock! Those are certainly the questions on all our minds. Hope some of them are going to be answered some way or another. Doubt that journalists will put them so elocuantly as you have written them down, though.
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What would you ask Jonathan? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would you ask Jonathan?   What would you ask Jonathan? Icon_minitimeThu Dec 08, 2011 5:47 am

Thanks guys (ladies)! I am so looking forward to JRM talking about this past year in his own words. I hope that the journalists will be sensitive in their questions so that he feels at ease enough to speak from the heart. They're welcome to my questions..although I'd rather be the one sitting opposite JRM asking them!
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PostSubject: Re: What would you ask Jonathan?   What would you ask Jonathan? Icon_minitimeThu Dec 08, 2011 2:56 pm

Great questions!!!!!!!! yes is interesting to know about Jonny´s life tis 2011 that looks like something....."caotic". But the problem is that now many journalist don´t have any idea of human feelings and how they do theirs questions. Is my opinion, sometimes I´m embarrased about some interviews that I see on Tv or read in the papers o magazines.
Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed
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PostSubject: Re: What would you ask Jonathan?   What would you ask Jonathan? Icon_minitimeThu Dec 08, 2011 10:08 pm

I agree Trufa, they can be very insensitive and even disrespectful, even if they don't mean it.

I'd ask him about Bruce and pets in general:

Does he sleep on your bed? Is he allowed on furniture?

How old is he?

What do you love most about him?

Does he have any offspring?

Is he neutered?

Have you spoiled him? Very Happy Laughing

Do you two watch the Dog Whisperer together? lol!

How did you get Bruce?

Are there any animals you wouldn't keep as pets? Why?

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PostSubject: Re: What would you ask Jonathan?   What would you ask Jonathan? Icon_minitimeFri Jan 13, 2012 5:37 pm

I would ask him Do you cook yourself
do you do your own cleaning
do you do Do your own laundry
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PostSubject: Re: What would you ask Jonathan?   What would you ask Jonathan? Icon_minitimeThu Feb 16, 2012 3:43 pm

I would ask him what he is doing it's been quiet for a while and Belle du Seigneur was created in 2010
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PostSubject: Re: What would you ask Jonathan?   What would you ask Jonathan? Icon_minitimeFri Feb 17, 2012 3:14 am

Gaja, it seems that Jonny is taking his sabbatical very seriously. And here we are, almost dying to see him or to know anything about him. Well, not really anything. Only good stuff. Laughing Laughing Laughing
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PostSubject: Re: What would you ask Jonathan?   What would you ask Jonathan? Icon_minitimeSun Feb 19, 2012 9:45 pm

I would like to ask Jonny:

Do you think your personal problems have damaged your career?
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PostSubject: Re: What would you ask Jonathan?   What would you ask Jonathan? Icon_minitimeFri Mar 02, 2012 12:42 pm

Audrey wrote:
I would like to ask Jonny:

Do you think your personal problems have damaged your career?

Great question Audrey! I'd just add "and what will you do about it?

And, are you a melancholic person?
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PostSubject: Re: What would you ask Jonathan?   What would you ask Jonathan? Icon_minitimeFri Mar 02, 2012 12:53 pm

Would it be too blunt to ask if he has a psychological disorder, something like bipolar, because in that Attitude interview he said he is totally bipolar?

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PostSubject: Re: What would you ask Jonathan?   What would you ask Jonathan? Icon_minitimeFri Mar 02, 2012 12:56 pm

Audrey wrote:
Would it be too blunt to ask if he has a psychological disorder, something like bipolar, because in that Attitude interview he said he is totally bipolar?

I'm not sure I know that interview but I don't think it's too blunt. I mean, it depends on one's viewpoint whether that's too private etc. but I think it's a good question.
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PostSubject: Re: What would you ask Jonathan?   What would you ask Jonathan? Icon_minitimeFri Mar 02, 2012 2:57 pm

Alara wrote:
I'm not sure I know that interview but I don't think it's too blunt. I mean, it depends on one's viewpoint whether that's too private etc. but I think it's a good question.

I posted the Attitude interview in the written interview thread. It's from 2005. Very interesting interview. Really worth the read.
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PostSubject: Re: What would you ask Jonathan?   What would you ask Jonathan? Icon_minitimeMon Mar 05, 2012 7:10 pm

Do you still write poems? Do you think you will ever publish them? How would you describe your poetry? Could you recite one?
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PostSubject: Re: What would you ask Jonathan?   What would you ask Jonathan? Icon_minitimeMon Mar 05, 2012 7:12 pm

By the way i think he will answer that he can't recite one because his poems are too personal. I do hope his poems will be published at one point.
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