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 Jonathan Rhys-Meyers Attacked For Eating Dog

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PostSubject: Jonathan Rhys-Meyers Attacked For Eating Dog   Jonathan Rhys-Meyers Attacked For Eating Dog Icon_minitimeMon Jan 02, 2012 5:44 pm

Jonathan Rhys-Meyers has come under fire from animal rights activists after his latest co-star, Radha Mitchell, let it slip that he ate dog while filming in China. Mitchell coos about the movie hunk's "adventurous palate" but officials at People For The Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) are less than impressed.

The actress insists dining out in rural China, where she and Rhys-Meyers, shot new film The Children of Huang Shi was a challenge - and her co-star decided to go native.

She says, "The challenge was ordering lunch and getting chicken claws, just these weird things that you don't expect and you're not used to so you're constantly adjusting. Jonathan did the dog's meat. We were in some restaurant and there was dog meat on the menu and there was someone next to us just sitting there with their Chihuahua in a handbag. I was thinking, 'That could've been dessert.'"

But PETA bosses are appalled that Rhys-Meyers, who plays British journalist George Hogg in the Roger Spottiswoode film, sampled man's best friend.

Spokesman Michael McGraw rages, "Most people are appalled to hear about Jonathan Rhys Meyers eating dog flesh."

And he urges anyone sickened by the story to consider turning veggie: "They should take a look at what's on their own plates. Chickens and cows may not be as cute and cuddly as puppies, but when it comes to their ability to feel pain and suffer, they are no different from animals people call pets. The best way to avoid harming any animals is simply not to eat them and go veggie."

This was in 2008:


I loved his reply. PETA has done some good things but self-righteousness is something I tend to react to.

I've been a vegetarian for 15 years and I've never ever told people what they should eat or wear and have sat down and ate with everyone around me eating meat, many many times. Most people that know me have no idea that I don't eat meat, it only comes up if someone actually offers me some.
But, I've seen too many self-righteous, Rolling Eyes Hoity-toity vegs that looove to impose their views on everyone. As if they're on a holy mission.

No one, no one can stay on the straight and narrow path all the time and pointing out other people's "faults" to make oneself appear bigger pushes my butons. Sorry for the rant, I just found that online, LOL. lol!

Last edited by Alara on Mon Jan 02, 2012 8:52 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : I wrote 208 instead of 2008. LOL)
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PostSubject: Re: Jonathan Rhys-Meyers Attacked For Eating Dog   Jonathan Rhys-Meyers Attacked For Eating Dog Icon_minitimeMon Jan 02, 2012 7:05 pm

This is a joke, right? lol! Is it??? Shocked ... affraid

*must hide my kitties*
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PostSubject: Re: Jonathan Rhys-Meyers Attacked For Eating Dog   Jonathan Rhys-Meyers Attacked For Eating Dog Icon_minitimeMon Jan 02, 2012 8:04 pm

I love it when cats hide or crawl into places! So funny and adorable! lol! lol! I love you I love you

Jonathan Rhys-Meyers Attacked For Eating Dog 2vdqhc8Jonathan Rhys-Meyers Attacked For Eating Dog 6xytz4

lol! lol! lol!
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PostSubject: Re: Jonathan Rhys-Meyers Attacked For Eating Dog   Jonathan Rhys-Meyers Attacked For Eating Dog Icon_minitimeMon Jan 02, 2012 8:20 pm

Eating dog meat is common in China but when he was eating would he then thought so Taste my dog ​​ Razz Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Jonathan Rhys-Meyers Attacked For Eating Dog   Jonathan Rhys-Meyers Attacked For Eating Dog Icon_minitimeMon Jan 02, 2012 8:34 pm

gaja wrote:
Eating dog meat is common in China but when he was eating would he then thought so Taste my dog ​​ Razz Very Happy
Jonathan Rhys-Meyers Attacked For Eating Dog 5yutjk
HAHAHAHAHAAHA! OMG!!!!! Good one!!! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol!
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PostSubject: Re: Jonathan Rhys-Meyers Attacked For Eating Dog   Jonathan Rhys-Meyers Attacked For Eating Dog Icon_minitimeMon Jan 02, 2012 9:51 pm

When I first heard about this, I thought it was just something the press had made up. But Ali wrote something about it on the jrmfansite forum:

This is just MY opinion on the whole thing....i wouldnt do it. Doesnt appeal too my stomach at all!! But when in Rome ,China in this case, then i dont see why not. Those of us in Western civilization view things very differently from those further a-field. Some religions dont eat cow meat but we love steak. Does the animal have to be cute before it bothers us? How does a country like Mongolia ,which is vast but sparsely populated, feel that our coulture is destroying our own planet? And Thiers. I tried snake once. It's yuck!! Is that as bad as dog? I have, and do not eat, fish....you evil people!!! FREE WILLY!!

I don't think I would eat dog either, but I can understand his curiousness. I am just too much of a coward to try anything like that.
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PostSubject: Re: Jonathan Rhys-Meyers Attacked For Eating Dog   Jonathan Rhys-Meyers Attacked For Eating Dog Icon_minitimeMon Jan 02, 2012 10:14 pm

I agree with Ali. Different cultures have different takes on cuisine. I especially like:

Quote :
Does the animal have to be cute before it bothers us?

Because there is truth in that.

I have a friend whose job took him to many corners of the planet and he's tried a lot of the foods that we here, in the West, would think twice about before letting our taste buds have a swing, LOL. Anyways, of all the insects, reptiles, mammals, rotten eggs and the like; the thing he disliked the most was an overly boiled lemon. Jonathan Rhys-Meyers Attacked For Eating Dog 2mhj51w

So yeah, to each his own. Very Happy I don't think there is much difference between a cow or a dog, in a culinary sense.

We're more used to having dogs as pets and we have different feelings for them than we do for cows etc. But it's a big world. Very Happy

On the other hand, my best mate much prefers goats and pigs over dogs and cats. She fantasizes about having a house with enough land to keep both as pets. Very Happy And she is also petrified, literally super afraid of chickens and all birds bigger than an average adult chicken. Go figure! Wink cheers
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PostSubject: Re: Jonathan Rhys-Meyers Attacked For Eating Dog   Jonathan Rhys-Meyers Attacked For Eating Dog Icon_minitime

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